

해외 가톨릭 사립학교 재단이 직접 운영하는 믿을 수 있는 교육 기관

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학생이름 : 한윤서

학생정보 : 미국 여름 국제 캠프 참가 학생

Overbrook Academy was great. The academy has lots of good educational facilities.

 All of the classrooms were decorated and the gym was wide.
 Miss Lisa, who was the English teacher, was so kind.
 She taught us everything about camping. We made camping safety posters with her.
 I liked Miss Sara too. We wrote about famous art paintings. It was cool.
She was humorous; every class was full of fun.

 The food from the school was nutritious and compact.
 I always liked the dessert after dinner. It was delicious.
 At every dinner time, we all missed Korean foods.
 During Olympic & Camping week, we went to camp wheeler after English class, we received a lunch bag.  It contained a sandwich, chips, fruit and a juice. It was pretty yummy.

Every day after breakfast, we went to mass. It was a hard thing but I did it!!!
After 3 weeks, I remembered most of the songs from the mass.

Olympic Week was very fun. I loved to play tennis and badminton.
It was so hot on the first week. So, we went swimming.
Arts & Media Week was the best. The teacher was so funny.
We did the play ‘Tangled’ which is Rapunzel. My role was one of the servants.
Camping Week was really fun!! We made our own tent and we did archery.
The best thing is that we made S’mores!!!! We made a camp fire and cooked our marshmallows. It was so yum! I loved it.

I am really happy to make new friends there; they are smart, enthusiastic at every activity.
And I was awarded Princess of the week, English of SMILE.
Over 3 weeks, I have learned and experienced different culture, food and speaking English..
I would love to visit Overbrook again.

2013-05-07 16:59 · 조회 7540
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